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December 15, 2022
I watched the first 3 episodes of Harry and Meghan on NetFlix last night. So far, they have my complete sympathy and support. I hope they don't ruin all that in tonight's 3 final episodes by being nasty to others.
Our walk this morning was a copy of the last 2 days with moon and stars to guide us. The 2 barking dogs in the first 2 blocks were no fun.
I didn't go back to bed in order to complete chores and my coffee before picking up Roger and Johan to go fishing. They brought Camila, the young sister along too... and guess what??? She outfished the 3 of us by a wide margin!!! I let her use my rod and reel because it is the simplest and taught her how to cast with it. Johan remembered how to cast with the open-faced reel and did well again today. I contented myself with photographing birds mostly, when not helping to unhook fish and add new bait. I got a lot of shots with reflections, which is cool. The Nikon was balky, but twisting the zoom ring seemed to help it fire. My shots of the Long-Tailed Grackle and the Pileated heron were terrible.
I brought home only 3 cachama and 1 tilapia as ordered by the boss. She has already eaten one.
I had taken 51 shots and kept these 28. After processing the photos I was dead beat and crashed for 2 hours. Cristina had been in Tulua getting her eyebrows re-tatooed.
We have a temporary guest from Claudia, an old dog that needs treatment.
I hope you enjoy the pictures.
That was the day’s excitement.
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Little Camila caught one on her first cast
Johan has learned a lot
Roger enjoys fishing and is a big help to the kids
Camila was catching them left and right
We could not keep up...
And another
Buzzards overhead
Daytime moon
Snowy egrets (herons)
Kiskadee |
3 Ibis
The new fishermen
Reflections on most of these
Egret fishing
Snatching something
Reflections |
Ibis |