Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Wednesday December 01, 2021 Must-do's

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Wednesday December 01, 2021

The rain started about 6pm and continued overnight so our lake has partially returned.  My body rebeled at me to get up and walk the dogs this morning but we managed to get it accomplished.

Then I had to rush chores to get out the door with Cristina at 7:20am.  RedBubble cooperated to upload one photo today.  

We were 3rd in line at the door to the bank which opened at 8am.  However cristina did not listen to me, got in the wrong line-up inside, then was given a wrong attendance number for the assesors upstairs so we wasted 40 minutes waiting to get seen.  She finally managed to get our CD renewed and was disappointed how little interest accumulates over 6 months at about 1.25%.  I honestly think we are losing more than that in the exchange rate and have lost 1/4 of our savings since it was originally deposited,.. not to mention that we also got stuck paying tax on it.   Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Then we went a few blocks away and paid my health insurance before going across town to get the plant/tree insecticide/poison which is necessary for healthy plants.  I had another look at a nice lawnmower but it only had a rear-bag discharge.  Who want a machine that shoots at your feet?

Then we went to HomeCenter and used up our credit balance to buy mostly kitchenware.

Next was Dollar City for a lot of sundries and snacks.

I got into "repair" mode and fixed my office chair and the hanging birdfeeder.  The string we had holding the feeder is poor and would break quickly so I had been planning to change it to wire instead and finally got around to it.

We stopped to see fellow gringo here, Roger Gagnon (possible cousin?) because Aram was concerned that he had not heard from him in a while.  They were drinking buddies while Aram was here and apparently he drinks worse than Aram, so that is why I just avoid him.  He said that he had his phone stolen and his computer hard drive crashed so he lost everything and could not remember passwords or phone numbers.  I contacted Aram from there and let the 2 of them talk on my phone, giving Roger Aram;s phone number and email...  My good deed for the day.

FaceBook has been really a pain lately, slow and stalling.  They have not recovered well from being hacked.

I hope you enjoy the not-so-great pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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