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Thursday December 2, 2021
The fire engine heralded another small Christmas parade last night with Santa Claus, and about 200 folks on 100 motorcycles. We sure do have a great spot to enjoy these little treasures.
We had a late walk this morning without incident, even Rocas came along, and then we all went back to sleep on the king-size bed.
We did chores, and RedBubble dropped one of 2 uploads while Fine Art America and Facebook gave us connection problems.... This is getting to be the bloody norm. Grrrrr
Then we cleaned up and delivered the monthly diaper supply to Ana Julia, and then took everyone to La Herradura mall for lunch for her birthday. 4 of us had pasta lunches but Adiela had to be different, opting for hot wings. All photos of the group were nixed by one or all the women who could not get their act together and pose and smile at the same time. Their loss.... Miguel thinks that we can go fishing again near Roldanillo after the 7th when the bridge construction is completed.
Since we were so close we went again to Mega Fruver for our veggies for salads, pineapples, and much more. It was $18.87 for 10 days supply plus a lot more. Cristina commented on how cheap their prices are but the quality is high because their turnover is so fast.
My arms were really hurting after unloading groceries so the TENS machine is working its magic.
I hope you enjoy the pictures. That was the day’s excitement.
© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission.
If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.
NOTE that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.
Hark! The herald firetruck sings... |
A small Christmas parade |
Spreding some cheer |
Santa and friends stop to pose |
Followed by doubles on motos |
Lots of motos |
Sorry, hunger took precedence |
Mega Fruver has lots to offer |