Saturday, November 6, 2021

Saturday November 6, 2021 Fishing

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Saturday November 6, 2021

Cristina and Adiela decided that they were going to the funeral and burial of their Uncle Rodolfo so she came in with me as I went to meet Miguel to go fishing.

Miguel and I had been talking about fishing for ages so I finally got him to commit.  He had good intel on a lake (slough) on the edge of town that is stocked with many different kinds of fish, primarily Tilapia.  We were almost alone most of the morning but people started coming in for a fishing tournament starting at 3:30pm, which is when we left.  We had a couple of sprinkles in between periods of sunshine so it was a perfect day for fishing.  It also was a perfect place for fishing because there were no reeds or weeds to snag our hooks and remove our bait.

The fish were pretty smart at stealing the bait themselves and we spent 5 hours basically in little shrubbery alcoves for shade and rain protection.  We ate 3 enchiladas, drank 3 beer and caught 7 fish, keeping 4 (3 of my production).  The other 3 caught by Miguel were too small to keep.  We paid $3 admission for both of us and a fish fee of about $12, cleaned and gutted.  It was an enjoyable day.

We had lots of bird life skimming the water for bugs, and also had egrets, ibis, and buzzards on the other side.  I took 44 shots but will only bore you with a few.

I finished the short Australian series "Stateless" last night.  It is an eye-opener about the refugee problem around the world.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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I lent my rod to this kid for a while

A family from BugaLaGrande

The best catch of the day by anyone... Me!

Buzzard and egret


Nice place to fish

Love the little alcoves

A Tilapia

What we brought home

Mr cleaner

Cutie from BugaLaGrande