Monday, July 26, 2021

Monday July 26, 2021 Pereira

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Monday July 26, 2021

My arm pain situation seems about the same as yesterday but I slept without discomfort.

We were out of toilet paper, short on napkins, out of good sausages and cheeses, etc so I made the decision to make a run to PriceSmart in Pereira, not sure if my membership card had expired or not... it hadn't.  We left at 11am after again making arrangements with Claudia to care for the kittens.

It really is a big decision to go, as we always seem to get lost because Cristina can't read the Waze to be a good navigator.  We got lost again once today.  The good thing is that it is a nice drive overall.

The other factor is the great cost weighed against the benefits.  The prices aren't super cheap at all but they have good products that we just can't get here anywhere else... like good Cheddar Smokies, good Cheddar Cheese, Kraft Ketchup and French's Mustard.  And I found some reasonable plastic shelving for the patio..

The tolls are 44,000 pesos ($11.24 USD), Gas is 30,000p ($7.66), and lunch for 2 is 14,900p ($3.81) so we don't save that much on the purchases, never mind the new annual membership is 110,000p ($28.11).   The shelving was 135,900p ($34.72) and we bought David some Spaghetti Sauce as requested, as well as bulk toothpaste, laundry soap, Ranch dressing, and much more for ourselves.  We spent 940,931p ($240.41 USD) in the store.

We returned at 4pm and unloaded quickly and I slapped together the shelving.  We shouldn't have to go again for a while....

I hope you enjoy the pictures (Backwards AGAIN).  That was the day’s excitement.



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NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


Spaghetti Sauce + Smokies


White Rose

New shelving

Gorgeous drive with shade

Clean, unpolluted skies

Love the roads