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Friday December 31, 2021
'Nuf said....
The walk didn't happen this morning, just too tired and achy. I had to save my strength to do a lightning shopping trip for money, birdseed, my veggies, and then try to pay my health insurance but they were closed! Grrrrr
I played Mr Fix-it to repair a plastic mop that I broke breaking up the recent dog fight. No animals were injured in the making of the melee.
Outside I am amazed that I can't find a single Golden Silk Spider on the property! The bats or the birds must have decided they were tasty...
Lorena was by for a quick lunch with us today. We still have their dog, Nina2.
After confirming with my immediate family that I would be welcome to see them all if I came March to May, I went and booked the flights in and out of Toronto March 1 and May 3. I bought some of the extras in case things go sideways again because of Covid, .... a little peace-of-mind in my pocket. I will work on the Canada flights with WestJet after the new year and use the credit on file with them since 2020. I am so excited to finally be able to see my family again!
I hope you enjoy the pictures. That was the day’s excitement.
© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission.
If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.
NOTE that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.
Cristina, Lorena and Ana Julia |
Bougainvillea |
Stamen and pistil of Hiciscus |
Spider as tiny as my small fingernail |
New rosebud opening |