Friday, October 28, 2022

Friday October 28, 2022 PriceSmart

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Friday October 28, 2022

The rain started around 2am and didn't quit until some time after 9am.  Our lake reappeared pretty fast.

Then we went to get ready to go to PriceSmart in Pereira but, of course, our water was off again!  Every time we get  good rain, there is water everywhere except in our pipes....  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

We stopped at the cel phone guy to give him a 64Gb memory card to install in Cristina's new phone, which apparently needs some special heat process to open!!  Sometimes technology gets ridiculous!  She will pick it up later.

The highway was relatively clear because the weather was iffy with patches of rain so we made good time.  We had a hot dog in the PriceSmart (think Costco) food court prior to shopping.  We were disappointed that they didn't have a couple of items like Ranch Dressing and vinegar, but we got gallons of Mayonaisse and liquid cheddar cheese.  We actually bought some meats and cheeses, pastas and sauces, and the usual paper products.  Naturally, I stocked up on cocktail peanuts...  We spent $236.35 USD on stuff we can't find normally in Colombia, and not necessarily cheap...  I always question whether it is worth the $30 membership, $16 trip and almost 4 hours travel....  Oh well, it is an outing and we have food to last a while.

The ride back was a little better, again with less traffic than usual.

Cristina took a video with my phone which I uploaded to YouTube directly, and quickly, of Rio and little Manchas play fighting when we got home.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


New lake again

Lovely drive on Highway 25