Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sunday January 23, 2022 Chicken

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Sunday January 23, 2022

Last night I watched the last 5 episodes of Season 4 of Yellowstone I had downloaded after having watched the first 5 the night before.  Binge-watching is my specialty to while away about 4 hours every evening, so it is no small wonder why I am getting bored with NetFlix.  Yellowstone has proven to be a strongly written, exciting and riveting series.  Having to wait another year for more episodes is going to be tough.  Beth Dutton is my raunchy heroine.

I tried the new sleeping pill last night and definitely did sleep better and longer (no walk), .. and I don't think I was nearly as woozy when I did get up.  But, I think that I will stick with the Melatonina unless I know that a real good sleep is absolutely necessary.

Today I begin my pre-blood test regimen, meaning NO coffee, red meat, apples, bananas, grapes, tea, vitamin C?, sex, tomato sauce, iron or aspirin....  3 days of abstinence of many items I use daily, but I will do my best to get it right.

So, today's big news is that the first sight that I saw upon arising caused me to close the back door and keep the dogs inside.  How the dogs never saw the neighbour's chicken before me is a mystery, and that little quirk of nature saved the creature's life for sure.  I roused Cristina and we herded the chicken into a corner on the patio and she grabbed it.  I got the ladder ready and she bravely climbed up about 4 rungs wearing flip-flops to be high enough to toss the stupid bird back on its own side of the 10 foot fence.  There was a lot of welcome back squawking on the other side and I think the neighbor saw what we did.

Another quiet, warm, 30C day in boredomville.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


The charmed chicken

The would-be assassins

Saffron Finch spy

Tom Thumb


Sunlight on orange tree leaves