Monday, November 30, 2020

Monday November 30, 2020 Nativa

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Monday November 30, 2020

Last night we went way out past Campo Alegre to the wake for Aunt Nativa's Aunt Nativa who passed away at age 93.  We had been out to this location once or twice before, but never at night.  Cristina said we would only be there 1/2 hour or so, but then she got talking to the skinny cousin who works at our Town office and it was 2 hours before I could pry her out of there.  I did get some really detailed shots of the full moon though.  This is called a "Beaver moon"??

Today, of course, is the 4th anniversary of the crash where I broke my neck but survived.  My mind is about the only thing that has arguably continued to work normally ever since.  I can do almost everything I used to do, just a lot slower.

This morning when walking the dogs I brought the Nikon along.  Taking shots in the virtual dark is where a person needs a tripod...  Now, I am taking about 2-second exposures on manual focus, one-handed, while holding onto 4 dogs!  Give me some credit that the objects are even recognizable....  I got a photo of Charlie for you and one other horse.  There were 2 other horses in one pasture but too far away and the photos were awful.  There were lots of cats about but the one shot I am showing you shows the danger of the long-exposure shot.

Now I was looking for the moon in the western sky, where it usually is at that time of the morning but it wasn't there at all.  I found that curious until I saw Facebook posts about an eclipse at that particular time...  So I guess I saw an eclipse and I wasn't in the dark after all..... lol.

Leonel was called in to work at hisBugaLaGrande job so he didn't come to cut our long grass as expected.  

I got a few really good shots of the fascinating Golden Silk Spider.  It really is quite a complex creature.

We zipped into Tulua after our early brunch and I paid a day early for my health insurance.  Then we went to LA14 to get a birthday gift of assorted clothing for Cristina's Mom, Ana Julia.  We managed to deliver the gifts personally because Miguel was home with Ana Julia and Adiela was not at home.  The sisters are not on speaking terms for a while, both are incredibly stubborn and hold long grudges, so this could go on for a while and, you know what???  I don't mind at all....  Cristina needs a break from her bossy sister.

We picked up Aunt Nativa again to got to the cemetery chapel for the funeral of her Aunt Nativa (actually Natividad) Palacios.  I recognized a few family faces, especially from the night before.  We sat though 50 minutes of mass where I struggled to sleep.  Then they had 20 minutes of music from the male soloist who had a great voice.  Next they carried the casket to the grave which is next to the water faucet that everyone uses to water the plants on the graves.  Everybody stands around to watch them actually shovel all the dirt over the casket after the few graveside prayers.  Nativa seemed particularly upset at the loss of her namesake.

I'm pooped.  I think it will be an early night tonight.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission. 

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.

Wake for Natividad Palacios in the country

Detailed full "Beaver" moon

Very bright, so hand-held shot, fast shutter speed

Charlie ignoring me this morning

Another horse on the loose

Several milking cows

One of the many cats loose at 5am

Hair cut really short since I am almost bald now

Such is life.  What can I do?

I am told this stuff works

Worth a try.  Not hopeful.

Another dray wagon loaded with sugar cane

Gorgeous rosebud opening

Beautiful rose after rain

Golden Silk Spider



Saffron Finch

Natividad funeral and mass is over

Gathering for the lowering of the casket with ropes

Cute relatives

An impressive place to be laid to rest

Arrows point at the 2 Nativas

A kiskadee watches proceedings




