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Wednesday September 30, 2020
Yesterday we got another brand-new abandoned kitten for Cristina to try to keep alive. Her dedication to the baby cats and dogs is amazing. All night she tried to get the little one with eyes still closed to try to accept a baby bottle. However the baby wasn't cooperating so another solution had to be found before it was too late.
So this morning we took it in to a contact in Tulua who had a nursing mother with 5 babies aleady to act as surrogate. All we can do is hope that the baby takes to the new mama with gusto and survives.
Yesterday I got notice from 2 friends in the Coopera group that another payout (reportedly up to $960) was just starting. So I passed along the information to my list of people still owed. Many have moved to the USA, including Alaska, Canada, Mexico and other places. Most of those have a power-of-attorney with someone to make the withdrawals for them. The good news is that I think this will be enough to pay myself and Bella in full, excluding the interest we should have earned over these 7 years. Considering that the Ecuadorian government is in deep debt, we should consider ourselves lucky but it is hard to feel sorry for them because of the deep corruption that caused this fiasco. Many friends still have lots of money owed and we will continue to help when we can, even if we have been paid out.
On the way back from Tulua I saw a gravel truck pull off up a road east of the highway. Since I knew that I had never explored that road before I turned as well. It was not a bad day sky-wise, so I was rewarded some nice views of what I believe is the Rio Morales. Along all the rivers here people are allowed to take the gravel on the banks, to heck with environmental needs... So sad that the ecology will pay a heavy price in the years to come.
I did take 4 sequential photos that I have stitched into a great panorama. I hope you like it.
I made another quick stop that had been on my mind for years. There is a nice big slough north of Tulua and there is usually a lot of waterfowl nearby, especially egrets. So I got a few shots there too. Further along they are doing more roadwork on our main route to and from Tulua. The toll booths that I complain about do give us excellent highways, although I can imagine the corruption involved with those huge amounts of money.
Last but not least, I must comment on the American Presidential debate (laughable) last night. I make no secret of my complete disdain for the orange clown. The only thing intelligent that he said last night was "Don't use the word 'smart' around me..". How people can support this tantrum-throwing idiot is completely beyond my comprehension. He has no intelligence, no plan, and he is going to ruin the lives of countless Americans who aren't in that rich 1%. That 'debate' won't change the minds of too many. What little folks there are sitting on the fence will definitely go to Biden. The orange turd will go down to defeat and he will continue to claim that the election is rigged against him. He has reportedly got thousands of lawyers in reserve so he can challenge any negative results and avoid going to jail. My disgust with this complete loser now knows no bounds. The USA must carve out this cancer in November. The whole world is sick of this Russian stooge. Anyone who doesn't know that the Russians caught Trump in the honey-pot are living a dream world. Putin is laughing at the folly of Americans. They are destroying themselves from within, just like Putin planned, and the numbskull Trump is his extortioned puppet.
I hope you enjoy the pictures. That was the day’s excitement.
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NOTE that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.
Kitten is so small and helpless
This little girl didn't like the bottle
New view for me
Buzzards flying close
There are about 5 of them in the photo above
Oh, I like this view East of Tulua
This is cattle country too
2 buzzards over the river
Great day for photos
That is Tulua
Beauty 2
Beauty 3
Beauty 4
Removing gravel from the bank
Egrets across the road
A little closer
Closer yet
Always seem to be egrets here
This looks like a larger heron
Our tolls being put to use
The roads are narrow but beautiful along the toll roads
They must be doing a long stretch....