Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Wednesday August 24, 2022 Plans

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Wednesday August 24, 2022

The good Mother Nature interrupted our walk this morning, which was already late, but I have learned not to ignore her.  The dogs had all done their business quickly for me, thankfully.

$1 USD = 4366 pesos and $1 CDN = 3368 today so I went to move some money for the upcoming repairs, etc....  Imagine my horror when I could not access my CIBC Internet banking because they require this ridiculous 2-step verification but have just discontinued allowing it via email (secure Protonmail)!  They don't allow Colombian phone numbers for messages either, so I was hooped!  Over 1/2 hour on the phone with a supervisor confirmed that I am not alone with this dilemma....  But, the only solution at the moment is to ask for an "Exception" which she had to request in a very long form and now we have to wait up to 3 business days for a response...  If it is not affirmative, I guess that I will be reduced to going to get cash with my Debit card until they provide a solution!  That does not allow me to see my accounts, whether I use the computer or a phone app, which I refuse to use for security reasons, and they don't accept Colombia numbers anyway,... yet...  That may be something they can eventually change...  Grrrrrrr

Carlos surprisingly came by mid-morning and admitted that he had not read the Spanish Word document with my roof repair ideas, so I printed them off for him and we went outside to show him my reasonings....  I believe that he basically agrees that my ideas are sound and he seems to have good alternate ideas on materials and costs.  He suggested chanul wood for the posts because they are a very strong, unforgiving hardwood.  He also thinks he can save on the translucent panels.  Anyway, it is in process now as we all mull the possibilities...

I was thrilled to see the Vermilion Flycatcher patrolling the yard again as I took photos.  He had been ignoring us for some time now, unless I have just been missing seeing him daily...  I took 36 photos total and kept these 16.

I slipped out to buy a return bus ticket from here to Pereira at 6:45am tomorrow.  I have to be at the bus station at 6:20am and should be at Migracion before 9am.  I intend to relax and let someone else drive this time.  It will also cost less overall and save wear and tear on Lizzie, and me...  Return buses apparently are every 45 minutes and I just have to show them that I paid.

Cristina is off to Tulua to buy some clothing item she wants for $12.50 USD...

I have been trying to locate the other local gringo here, Roger, without success.  He was supposed to be moving around now but doesn't answer phone, WhatsApp or faceBook.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission. 

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.



Happt to see the Vermilion Flycatcher again

Floral beauty

Over 30 doves feeding

Tom Thumb




Negrita and Saffron Finch

Tom Thumb giving me the tongue lashing


Gorgeous rosebud

Sweet rose

Turi and Grigi identical poses



Tom Thumb