Saturday, August 27, 2022

Saturday August 27, 2022 Buying

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Saturday August 27, 2022

Cristina said she wasn't tired last night, so she began a thorough housecleaning and I last saw her still working away at 2am....

As a result, I was going to cancel the walk this morning but changed my mind when I thought it was around 6am, but it turned out to be almost 7am so we only did half the walk and the 3 dogs did their business in that sector.

There was lots of light at that hour, and the filly was at the fence, so I took a couple of shots with the Samsung A53 phone.  It does a great job.

I worked on photos to kill the morning, had a nap after lunch, and then we went to pick up Carlos for a buying trip to HomeCenter for the patio roof.  

We ended up getting cheaper plastic for the water runoff extension and the screws to hold it down.  HC did not have the bricks they show in their catalogue and the posts seemed too light and flimsy.

We returned to Andalucia and found all the wood places are closed Saturdays, .. go figure.  We found a brick place that had the same ones shown in the HC catalogue for half the price.  Can't find a nice bunch of sidewalk blocks anywhere...

Carlos and I had another look at the patio roof to confirm where the posts would need to go and what support would be needed for the plastic extension.  I was looking at 1'x2" boards for that but think that I had better not cheap out, and spring for 1"x3" for better security and support as they need to be screwed together.

Now Cristina is looking to paint the interior of the house white to brighten it up..  Of course that means a lot of wall repairs as well..  She figures that the interest from our CD will cover it....  I need a loan...  Anyone...????

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


My little filly

Such a darling!

Bricks and screws

10 plastic sheets to cut in half

Need to extend coverage another 18" I figure..