Thursday, August 18, 2022

Thursday August 18, 2022 Bachelor

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Thursday August 18, 2022

I had trouble connecting with NetFlix on the Smart (dumb) TV so ended up watching a show on the computer instead..

The dogs and I went for a very late walk at 6am and did some exploring of a development west of us that we haven't looked at in a long while.  There are a lot of new homes in there, many not very fancy at all.  The filly was in her pasture again.

I expected Miguel to return Lizzie around 8:30am but he didn't show up until 10am.  He sure enjoyed driving Lizzie after years in his miserable Mazda...  He says that he may buy a KIA next year.  He showed me that Lizzie picked up a yellow scrape (taxi?) in the airport parking lot.

Being forced to act like a bachelor is not a new experience and it is a good thing that I am pretty self-sufficient and can cook and clean.  I had bought some hamburger yesterday so I decided to make my favourite meal, fried hamburger and onions with potatoes, bread and butter,... with leftovers for tomorrow...

I hemmed and hawwed before relenting and going out to buy birdseed, but now I am glad that I did.  The yard is pretty boring without the birds and I am sure they help with the insects too.

I also decided to wash my house slippers and my ball cap that I use for the walks.  They were all pretty dirty and needed a decent cleaning.  They are now air drying in front of a fan because the wool in the slippers are still pretty wet.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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Diced potatoes cook faster

Fried onions arer companions to hamburger

Add hamburger, fry almost black..

Add potatoes

Saving for tomorrow

Today's delicious lunch

Sombra exploring

Birdseed attracts...

Ruddy ground doves

Tom Thumb had a rival today

Tom makes my day