Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sunday August 28, 2022 Gilma BD

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Sunday August 28, 2022

The walk was at the usual time and I basically stayed up to do chores before having to leave at 8am.  I was going to pick up Carlos' family to go celebrate his Mom Gilma's 85th birthday a day early.

Cristina was catching a taxi to go into Tulua to spend with her family for niece Ana's birthday.

I knew I was transporting people and I was surprised when another car pulled in ahead of me and I didn't recognize the guy.  I found out later that he had been hired to drive some family as well and transport Gilma's wheelchair.  I had Gilma and 2 others with me.  I was to follow this guy and Carlos and Chucho would follow on their motorcycles to some park east of Buga.

Well this guy was going 80 kph in the 90 zone, in the fast lane,.. and you know how much that discourtesy annoys me.  Then he took us way past our destination and we had to backtrack.  He dumped the passengers and the wheelchair and left, presumably to return at 4pm.  Oh gosh, I knew that meant that it was going to be a very long day.

Essentially we were at a waterpark and it was blustery, rainy and cool to begin with.  Lots of shivers and goosebumps happening.  They had animals all over the place, like a petting zoo.  We found a family table under cover and settled in.  Carlos, Ruby and I checked out the negligible food available on site and went for a snack back on the main road.  They had ordered lunch from somewhere for 1pm, so that meant we didn't really eat until 2pm...  The lunch was barely edible.  I was always checking my watch and time was standing still..  I almost fell asleep at the table.  

The sun came out and the kids and Ruby and Angela had fun in the water and we enjoyed watching other kids in our sightline doing a zipline into the water.

There was another very attractive family at the next table and one of them had a newborn, one month old.  I asked if I could take their photo and she just beamed.  Then I took a couple of family photos as well.  The hubby of the one lady said they had his wife's image at the entrance, which he pointed out as we were leaving (yes there was a definite likeness!).

The decision had been made that the other guy was not coming back and we would make do with my car and the 2 motos.  So the wheelchair was strapped with bungees in the back of Lizzie and we were off...  The next stop was supposed to be a nice park inside of Buga but there was no parking nearby so we headed home.  8 hours was enough.

Negrita got out as I was backing Lizzie in.  The little brat just needs 10 minutes of freedom then she comes back.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


A large waterpark, not all operating..

Carlos, Gilma and family

One of the many pools

Nice peacock

Stretching to eat

Carmen + Gilma

Jose David + Alejandro


These little piggies...

Angela, Carmen, Gilma + Ruby

Kid splashing

Adjacent to this river

Zipline fun

Ruby, Chucho, Angela, Carlos





Alejandro + Jose David


Dogs allowed


Jose David

Jose David

Mom and baby



Hubby says her likeness is at the entrance

He was not fooling!