Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Tuesday August 23, 2022 Smoke

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Tuesday August 23, 2022

Monday morning I awoke early, with smoke coming from my overworked brain, trying to figure out how to repair the sagging patio  roof...  After walking the dogs, I stayed up and began researching availability of supplies to make my ideas work.  Then I had a brainstorm....  I did several trips to the patio to re-measure and see if my ideas would be viable.  Then I began to put it all on paper, with photos, diagrams, and prices,... then translated all into Spanish and sent it to Carlos for his comments.  I figure that it will cost me about $1,000 Cdn.  The only bugaboo to any roof repair is how to lift 12 rafters at once to replace the posts and eliminate the crossbeam support.  Firstly, we would have to remove all the weight of the roof tiles, then I figured it would be easier to just put a post, with a concrete brick base under each of the 12 rafters...!  Once that is done, I want to extend the roofline around 12" with polycarbonate sheeting to keep the rain from pooling on the patio.

Then Monday was sweeping the house and patio from one end to the other in preparation for Cristina's return from Santa Marta.  At 9:30pm she messaged that she was on the plane (earlier than I had been told by Miguel), expecting to be home around 2am.

She arrived this morning around 1:20am and was still up another hour puttering with all sorts of things.  I am sure the neighbors were not enthused with all the barking from our dogs at that hour.

I went to bed again shortly after her arrival because we already had booked Leonel to trim the jungle.  Luckily it stayed dry the last couple of days so he did his usual masterful job of trimming the "grass" to dirt level.  When it is like this, I can spot a new poop across the yard easily.  I also had him trim the plantains for me and he needed no instruction nor supervision.  He is such a good worker for us, that is why we have used him for 4 years now.

Cristina bought new blue flowers and went on the Chappy to the cemetery.  I showered, etc and called her to ask if she wanted to join me to go to D-Uno for mainly food for the dogs...  She came right away and we took the 3 usual co-pilots for the short ride because there was no walk in he morning.

We have decided to delay our trip to Pereira to get my new Cedula until Friday. I just got a response to my email to the guy, Fidel at Migracion, to confirm the card is there, and ready...  They said 10 business days, and.. that is today.  I didn't want to make another wasted trip there.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


Indiv. post for each rafter to distribute weight better

Extend roofline 12"+ to get rain off patio

Leonel is our go-to lawn cutter

He does a masterful job for us

And he takes the bags to the curb...

Doves waiting for him to finish and we supply birdseed

Saffron Finch male


Another Tea Rosebud