Friday, August 12, 2022

Friday August 12, 2022 Sleepy

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Friday August 12, 2022

The walk was strange because the sky appeared moonless, but uncommonly bright, with clouds and blue sky....  We tried not to disturb a sleeping stallion and filly, and I was shocked that the dogs were within 2 feet of a cat and didn't bother it at all!

Today was a catch-up on sleep day, with naps at every opportunity.  Last night I talked to a Facebook friend from Cuenca that I have never met.  He is touring Colombia for a month and is in Medellin at the moment.  He may come by here next week.  We have a lot in common.

$1 USD  was 4213 pesos this morning and is 4165 pesos at the moment.  I expect it to level out pretty soon.

At 6pm we ware going out with Cristina's friend to help out an abandoned, disoriented puppy.  More later.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission. 

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.




Saffron Finch

Golden Silk Spider


Leaves in sunlight

Different coloured That Darn Cat


Buzzard way up high

Bird version "Talk to the hand"

I count 28 birds in this shot