Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Tuesday August 16, 2022 Clipping


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Tuesday August 16, 2022

The night was peaceful because Sombra stayed out of the bedroom and I slept in a bit, so the walk was later than usual with more people roaming about.  I think the filly was bedded down in the pasture, but it was tough to be sure.  I had gotten to touch her muzzle again yesterday.

$1 USD = 4255 pesos today.

I took NeNe, Princesa and Buddy to be clipped real short today as the sun begins its return to the equator and will be overhead in about 3 weeks.  They were there all day!  I missed them.... 

Update:   This is what they look like after a good clipping:




Earlier, I took Cristina to the cemetery to put fresh flowers again, before taking her and the black kitten to Adiela's so they could work at Zoonosis.  Apparently the young lady who does most of the work during the day lost her grandmother so was unavailable.  Turi was my sole co-pilot.

Cristina informed me that niece Ana bought tickets off a guy for cheap for Adiela and Cristina to spend Thursday to Monday in Santa Marta, a resort town....   I offered to let Miguel use my car to take them to the airport at 4am or so.  It's a long story why I won't drive them....   I may go along, buy I definitely won't drive.  I reminded Cristina that I need to go to Pereira to get my Cedula next week too.

Ned and Maurizio notified me that they made it to Popayan safely, with no rain, and little traffic.

I hope you enjoy the pictures (most are backwards).   

That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission. 

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.

Tom Thumb with new nectar


Sunlit rosebud

Pink and white rose opening

A buzzard watching

Nene really needs a clip

Ditto Princesa

Ditto Buddy

New flowers added

A little visitor

Nice Mausoleum crown

So pretty

Bright white clouds

Lovely chapel

Ned loves our highways

Sugar Cane country