Friday, August 19, 2022

Friday August 19, 2022 Chores

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Friday August 19, 2022

The 3 dogs were very good during our walk this morning even though we were approached by dogs, cats, chickens and cows.

So, today was a day for cleaning, mani-pedi, poop and garbage patrol and house-cleaning.  I even cleaned up the patio and re-arranged the kitchen table.  As I said yesterday, I am very resourceful and can handle being alone with the dogs who are being pretty darn good.  However, during poop patrol I note that many of them follow me to leave new droppings, so a second round is always necessary.  It is good that they follow me outside.

Cristina and Adiela sent a couple of pictures of the beach at Santa Marta.  They are having fun and got soaked on a boat tour (Cristina hates rain on her hair).  

Right now there is confusion how they will get home.  I have offered to go get them, with or without Miguel, because he has night blindness in one bad eye.  However, apparently they might catch a ride with a friend,... or wait 6 hours to catch a 7am bus Tuesday morning (they arrive at 1am...).   Catching a ride sounds good to me...  Paying 5 tolls is always an annoyance when going to the airport.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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Mona does well on 3 legs

Rio is always active

Love the little Sombra

Bougainvillea colour is amazing

Pink and white rose slowly opening

First of 2 buds


Tom Thumb

Golden Silk Spider

Bathing beauties at Santa Marta

Impressive beach on the Gulf!