Monday, August 8, 2022

Monday August 8, 2022 Legal again


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Monday August 8, 2022

The morning walk was pleasing because the little filly was at the fence to greet us and allowed me to pet her muzzle.  We had at least one new house dog bark at us this morning.

We had an early lunch and headed to Pereira at 10:30am for a 1:15pm appointment.  We were an hour early but easily found a place to park and killed the time at a nearby burger joint.  Better to be early to allow for flat tire, etc... than to be late and have to make another trip....  

The Burger place had some neat art on the wall which I shot with the new Samsung phone..   The clarity of the shots it takes is to my liking.  The photos follow the other pictures shot with the Nikon.

It took about 20 minutes at Migracion but I am official again.  We have to go back for the new cedula card itself in 2 weeks.  Ugh, another Pereira trip....  I may just take a bus next time.  But the surprising news was that I would be keeping the same cedula number as before!  Before, it was the same number as on the Visa.  This time I have a new Visa number which he also stamped in my passport.

We made one brief stop at the viewpoint just before Pereira and I took 3 photos which I have stitched into a Panorama with a lovely program I have.  I also took a few shot of different sections of the highway to show you how nice the drive is under a blue Colombian sky.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission. 

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.

Viewpoint near Pereira panorama



Charlie and "The Kid"


Homer's snack time