Thursday, August 11, 2022

Thursday August 11, 2022 Househunting

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Thursday August 11, 2022

The dogs were a nuisance during the night again so I cancelled the walk again.

I logged onto my Fine Art America account to find that the group "Greatest Of All Time" named me, yes me, "Artist Of The Week"!  I was deeply honoured by the distinction.

At 10am we went out with Diego looking at 3 houses for sale but only got to see the interior of the two that were not suitable just at a glance, too small, no safe area for the dogs, and too close to pastures with stinky cows.  The first one, the one I really would like to see, is at the opposite end of town, on the edge, a large 2 story with electric gate and garage, with a large yard that probably will need some fencing, but it is large, and only 2 years old.  We may get to see it Saturday if it is not sold already.   I gave Diego a list of what we need, which is a tall order.  Honestly, I would fight to keep our present house if I wasn't worried about the patio roof collapsing some day.

I spent a lot of the afternoon working on Ancestry again, double-checking that I have extended the branches to get to Henri and Robert Bourassa, the Quebec politicians.  They were already there, and I was surprised on how little information is available for Premier Robert's wife, Andree Simard, from a family of shipbuilders...

I made salad and took it over with Turi to Nativa and Victor.  I ate a bowl, as did Victor, and a bowl was saved for Nativa for when she returns from selling lottery tickets, and a bowl for tomorrow for Victor.  My salad is a hit everywhere.

I bought 2 lottery tickets from Nativa and then she got excited and changed one of them for ticket 430, part of my car's licence...  How she remembers that, I have no idea.  She also brought out her mother's picture, pointing out how much Cristina resembles her...

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


A morning visitor

I want to see this house

Big yard ringed by vegetation

Electric front gate

Nice house 2 doors from Claudia's

Nice, but not right for us.

No area for the dogs

Way too small, 1 bathroom, outdoor parking

No way to secure the animals..