Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Wednesday August 10, 2022 Zoonosis

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Wednesday August 10, 2022

Wow, I found the Revenue PassCode sheet on my laptop last night.  That is a relief.

I took the salad to Victor Hugo last night and was shocked that the door was closed and no answer to my knocks.  I found out later that they had gone for morning appointments in Cali and got back late.  I just saw Aunt Nativa at our door, after I had eaten the leftover salad, and told her I would bring more tomorrow night.

The little filly was loose and alone on the street this morning a 1/2 block from her usual enclosure, but she did not look distressed in any way so we steered clear of her.  The sky was dark, no stars to be seen.

After chores and lunch of the fried chicken I had bought yesterday, me and the crew had a long nap because I was seconded to take pictures for Adiela of all the animals at Zoonosis to be used in a promotional video.  I was a little stressed about doing that, but was relieved later when I found that her expectations were low and only small photos were needed.

We got to Zoonosis about 3pm after taking Ana Julia to 3 different locations to get her Govt stipend.

So I amended my camera to the smallest JPG format it would take and managed 140 shots.  When I got home I resized the JPG's to about 1/3 of the camera format smallest size and went to work, rapid-processing the photos.  Cristina said that I was to choose the best, many duplicates were taken, so I whittled it down to 100 and managed to send those easily in 5 batches of 20 to Adiela's WhatsApp.  She just responded that she is very pleased, so I can breathe a sigh of relief.  I will show you guys abotn 21 of them.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission. 

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


Our old Mona, too active for us unfortunately.
