Sunday, August 7, 2022

Sunday August 7, 2022 Kittens

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Sunday August 7, 2022

There were 3 parties going on along our route this morning.  That is one thing about Latin Americans,.. either they don't give a shit about their neighbours (which I believe) or they simply think that sharing their music at 4:15am is appreciated be all.  The stars were visible for a change this morning.

A couple of nights ago Cristina came home with the lone surviving kitten of a black litter and I didn't see it until this morning, its eyes still shut, and helpless.  Cristine took it into Tulua with her this morning.  Softy is still here, not growing much yet.

So the dog team and I hold down the fort once again....  I am watching a 2-season series on NetFlix called Capitani.  It is not bad.  I had the first season figured out in the first episode... lol.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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Softy is still tiny

Little Blackie is smaller yet

Rio and Turi guard the back door