Sunday, December 27, 2020

Sunday December 27, 2020 Another Rescue

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Sunday December 27, 2020

Yesterday, Boxing Day, was a recharge day, although we did get a walk with the dogs before a welcome nice rain drenched the town.

The last few days FAA has been giving grief with the photo uploads but always have no problem when I try the second time.  I wonder if there is a way to skip the first time... lol.

I worked on photos most of the day between naps.  Cristina went to the Animal Park but I stayed put.  In the evening I finished another short series called "La Mante" (the mantis) and can highly recommend that one as well for those who like crime thrillers.

Facebook is driving me crazy with "Suggested for you" posts which clog my feed.  I started religiously reporteing them as Spam and they have quit again...

Today, I walked the dogs again just before another nice rainshower.  The plants are loving it after a very dry week.  However, water outside, but no water inside from 5 until 8 and again from 10 until 1.  That sure is a bloody nuisance.  Thank God we have the reserve tank on the roof.

Then we got delivered a one-day-old kitten that the mother somehow abandoned or lost somehwere at the Animal Park.  The mother is skittish around humans so it took a while for them to find her and the other kittens hiding in some tall grass.  Cristina has been ministering to the baby with a tiny baby bottle and both ends are working on the baby as they should....  Keep one end wet and the other end dry is the motto.  The baby is amazingly hairy and well-formed for only being 1-day old supposedly.  I thjink it will be reunited with its Mama shortly.

I made some delicious pork tenderloin for lunch as a treat for Cristina and the dogs.  We are spolied in so many ways.

Tom Thumb was very nice, posing for me well today, so the photos are a treat.

Hugs to everyone.  2021 begins in 5 days.  Keep the faith.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission. 

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


One-day-old kitten

Very tiny but well-formed

Really needs its Mommy

Not accustomed to this type of feeding

Glorious rose

Golden Silk Spider

He is on an orange tree

Compsoite photo with Tom Thumb

This is the original of my buddy

Nice lighting for good photos

My handsome boy

Flying through the air with the greatest of ease

Feeding time

Giving me a good show today

Thank you Tom!