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Wednesday June 24, 2020
Late yesterday afternoon we had a good and heavy rainfall. Rain is good, but it does play havoc with our television cable and Netflix for some unknown reason.... Last night, I could watch neither and was forced to watch on my computer.
We have had the little Yamaha Chappy scooter for 6 months now and I have avoided using it because I seemed to be jinxed with it and it is awkward for me to ride. Excuses, excuses.... Today I decided to take it for a little run with the Nikon, hoping to run down the train tracks possibly to BugaLaGrande.
Unfortunately the tracks were so overgrown that it would have been dangerous so I continued on into Campo Alegre instead. The bike does not want to just idle and it dies every time you slow to a stop so I get a little exasperated having to kick start so often, because I like to stop briefly to take a photo and continue. In this country, any biker knows to park if possible in the shade.
The good news is that I got some really nice shots that I am happy to share with you all. The buzzards seemed to be everywhere today. I was back by noon and then spent over 3.5 hours processing.
We got a quick afternoon rainshower today too and Killer started barking for help to get under shelter. I was equal to the task.
I hope you enjoy the pictures. No captions. That was the day’s excitement.
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