Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Tuesday January 5, 2021 Utilities

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Tuesday January 5, 2021

I managed to get out for a walk with 3 dogs before the rain started.  Then I discovered that we still had no water from before 5pm last night.  GRRRRR

I did my chores and cleaned myself up with the trickle of water from the reserve roof tank.  I get stressed out every January, knowing that I have to pay the property taxes, so the rain was a signal for me to go pay it when there was likely to be little line-up.  They open at 7:30am so I went in Lizzie in the rain and was shocked to see no line-up at all.  Of course, I forgot the damn face mask so I got doubly wet getting to the door.  Naturally, it was too good to be true as well.  They have no bills to print yet and won't accept payments until the 15th.  Drat!

Going by, I saw there was nobody but staff at Andaluz market as well so I decided to try to get my groceries and salad fixings.  It is a very compact store so shopping is really quick.  I found everything I needed, which wasn't much, except my guanabana juice or pulp, which is supposedly the greatest anti-cancer fruit around.  I will try to source it other places.

I was so upset that we still had no water, (neighbours were washing in the rain) that I sent an email to the water company.  Finally, after 20 hours, we got our water back.  I have no idea if my email had an effect.

Then I did more photo work to relieve the boredom.  I also found 2 more baby Golden Silk Spiders and a whole whack of multi-coloured rosebuds.  Life abounds in the backyard.

Cristina and I clipped the nails of most of the dogs.  We do not really mind when they are excited whenever we return from outside, but the scratches sometimes hurt.

Then the gas man showed up in response to my email query about the recent billings (just yesterday?).   He double-checked everything for leaks, confirmed that we had lost a lot of gas last month, but didn't offer a refund.  He instructed us to use the gas shutoff near the stove, every time it is not in use, because the pressure from the outside line is a lot higher that the stove's outlets are supposed to handle..  I found that really odd, but better safe than sorry.  I always try to reduce pressure in the water lines to the washer and outside hose in the same way.  He also said that yes, we own all the equipment from their outside pipe connection, so we are responsible for that reltively expensive repair... Drat!

Aram and fellow friend Roger stopped by the door to see if I wanted to walk to the park with them and Luka the puppy.  I begged off because I have a slight groin injury and the morning walk was enough today.

Igor got his Covid test today and says that he should get the results in the morning.  If negative, I have promised that we will go out on a photography day drive.  I am also checking with the vet John Rojas to see when he is available.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission. 

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


New baby Golden Silk Spider

and another

Many new buds on the way

All beauties

A fully opened rose

More buds

And another

And another

And another!
