Saturday, January 9, 2021

Saturday January 9, 2021 Luka

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Saturday January 9, 2021

Last night, as I said, we had no Internet and no wi-fi.  This morning I was actually shocked that I had Internet that worked without interruption.  Dare I think that it is finally repaired?  Not on your life...

We have a genuine lake in the backyard that some of the dogs and the birds are really enjoying.  It makes for a messy house though and Cristina is not impressed.

I took Aram to Huellas vet again this morning.  Luka passed last evening and night without problems, eating and pooping normally with no blood or vomiting.  Today Luka got one more injection and some pills to take for the parasites.  They are thankful to me because they have been using other charlatan vets? that have just been ripping them off.  Little Nino looked much better today as well.  I contributed half of the estimated cost for Nino's care, etc.  The animalistas had published a call for help for his needed care and medications.

We took another trip to the cemetery so Cristina could apply her poison for the nasty ants.  It is amazing how they have managed to almost ruin all the beautiful flowering shrubs we had installed.

I also checked out a new hardware store in town.  They carry a nice assortment of good things like the vise and monkey wrench that I have been coveting.

Cristina got me another pail of 31 oranges from our trees, so I again had to make 4 litres of juice, all natural, nothing added.  It is a lot of work but the result is so enjoyable.

Cristina must have told niece Ana that I had another cheaper Netflix option because Ana had a brother (same prolific father) who also could arrange this and actually came up with a price less than 1/2 of what I was paying!  Naturally this will mean cancelling my existing Netflix account and setting up a new one with a different email...  My requests were that they confirm the content will be the same, my automatic bank payment will be accepted, and that they will come to the house to aid us in a smooth transition...  The brother apparently refused to come here, so I will throw my requests at the local gal...

I am still in the hunt for a daily appointment diary book.  One place said to come back next week.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


Our private lake.

I am thinking of adding a sandy beach...

Luka is much better today

Nino looks better toda as well.

Inside the cemetery chapel

The Pieta is striking

I need to work on this one


Rare private plane

Lower cemetery view

Looking southeast

Great vantage point

Aunt Natividad gravesite completed

Ready to squeeze....