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Monday May 20, 2019
There was absolutely nothing on the agenda today so it was another recharge the batteries day with 2 naps.
So, is anybody else winning with Mr Donald Trump in supposed command..?? My investments have not gained in 2 years and, if we can believe half the things this idiot is doing, (only trying to line his own pockets), then we can only hope the Americans wake up and get rid of this moron.
I tried to contact my Canadian Bank via online banking which has become a constant source of frustration. For 3 months I have been trying to get my email of record changed to Protonmail as recommended by them and their system just fouls up continuously. So, since I now have 500 minutes to call Canada or USA I finally pulled up the courage to call them, and I talked to Tristan in Halifax. This is yet another example of how a phone call beats texting back and forth 9 times out of 10. You can get your point across with emphasis and inflection and make things happen. They have now recorded my new Protonmail email and my cel number here in Colombia. However, I don't think they could actually show my Colombian cel on my Profile page which was giving me fits... We'll see how it goes, but apparently now I can get those upsetting verification codes for needed transactions (like transferring my pension money). Crossing my fingers...
Then I saw a couple of hummers battling in the back and one, as usual, is more territorial than the others. He is enjoying the feeders and definitely has a preference for the red ones. I just looked up this fellow with the orange tail and he seems to be a Tyrian Metaltail....
I hope you enjoy the pictures. That was the day’s excitement.
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