Monday, February 28, 2022

Monday February 28, 2022 Stress/Success

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Monday February 28, 2022

It really rained last night so we have a lake again.  And it was sprinkling at 4:20am so the walk was really abbreviated.

I had time for only one upload this morning and RedBubble was OK with that until I went to comment again or reply to other artists, then it gets all balky again.

At 7:30am I was 6th in line to get my Antigen test done and that took only 25 minutes.  Then it was the stress to wait for the result for 3 hours.  The cost was under $20 USD.

I checked with my payment gal up the street about how to pay for the Movistar bills that come via my email.  Sending them via WhatsApp to Cristina won't work, I have to send the email direct to her and then let Cristina know that she has to pay.

I got very frustrated with Cheap-O-Air and Copa when I reviewed my documents to prepare for Check-in.  It said that I had no seats chosen which I was certain I did on the original Copa flights that were later changed.  Of course the crooks show zero seat available unless you pay for them...  So I paid almost $92 USD for the 4 Copa flights to get the same Exit row window seat.  They don't recline but hopefully the extra leg room will make it all worth it.  And it doesn't look like the seats in the row are bought so I may have a lot of room for safety, etc.

I got an email and a WhatsApp message with a nice copy of the NEGATIVE Antigen test (Listen for huge sigh of relief) and was told to come in for the original, which we did.  The original was a shitty black+white copy, groan, what a wasted trip that was...  Anyway, everything is copied to the phone, and a memory stick, and the laptop, and is in my emails...  Overkill... But nothing is going to ruin this trip!

Then at 1pm I went to the Copa site to Check-In.  It sent me automatically first to the ArriveCan site which is necessary to enter into Canada.  That was an exercise in frustration as it asked for 2 vaccinations but not the third...  It would not accept just the first 2 Sinovac vaccinations so I changed the second one to the Moderna and it was accepted.  They now have a copy of the document with all 3 so hopefully no problem.  The next fun was filling in a quarantine plan (which is supposedly no longer necessary as of today)...  Yvette, I am renting your basement and will have no contact with you, just so you know....  Now I still have to go pre-register to hopefully avoid random testing upon arrival....

Then I managed to complete the Copa Check-In and print the boarding pass to only Panama.  I guess I have to see if now I can Check-in for Pamana...

I have developed such a neck strain from all this.  I need a nap already.

No pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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