Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Wednesday September 22, 2021 Hockey

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Wednesday September 22, 2021

The first day of Fall and it is the same as every other day here...  I admit to missing the seasons, even winter...  This morning, it was spitting rain as we took our morning walk and it was so refreshing.

I thought that I had RedBubble solved but that was a pipe dream as it dropped on me twice again this morning.  I will keep trying, but, if it drops, that's it for them for today, no uploads...

I was taking a few photos for you when I was interrupted by this large black bee.  Considering all the flowers that we have in the yard, it is rare that a bee comes our way.  I welcome them with open arms, and a camera shutter.

I tried to download a couple of old Sophia Loren war movies but it was not working right so I quit.  Then, somehow, I decided a needed a hockey fix.....

The 1972 Canada Cup with mostly old helmetless NHL'ers was a classic, but the above 1987 Canada Cup with Gretzky and Lemieux playing the Russians to 3 consecutive 6-5 games is the epitome of exciting hockey.  Set aside some time to watch this and you won't regret it...

We took Zorra to the vet to check out a fatty lump on her neck but it is just that, a fatty lump, and nothing to be concerned with, thank the Lord.  The poor girl has enough problems but is coming around.

Then we did a little side trip to BugaLaGrande just to ride in the sun for a few minutes.  A stop at the bakery for cookies and cakes completed the trip.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


Feeding the birds

They get accustomed to the free food

Tom Thumb

Ignoring me






Bee in Bougainvillea

B in B