Saturday, September 25, 2021

Saturday September 25, 2021 Dancing

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Saturday September 25, 2021

It was a late night last night and I even left the dancing after 11pm...  Too much yak yak delaying matters.  I was hungry and needed to get to bed.

So sleep was deprived and I still awoke to walk the critters at 4:30am.  Then it was back to bed.  Cristina didn't even get up until noon.  RedBubble dropped on me real early so I didn't upload any photos to either site.  Too busy today..

I started work on the 82 photos I took last night around 10:30 am and spent a good 4 hours on them.  Photoshop crashed on me 5 times during this process wasting valuable time.... Grrrrrrrrrr  I kept 50 of the photos but will only show you a sampling because uploading that many is too much of a chore.  You only want to see so many swirling dresses anyway.....

The park was packed and the event, of course, started late.  I was fortunate to arrive early enough to grab an unobstructed spot in the front row.  Like previous years, the lighting is absolutely annoying and makes photography a crapshoot.  Pleasing lighting was fleeting and the things we wanted to photograph weren't always in those brief moments...  

To have an International (really Latin American) Dance Competition in our little town for 15 years is quite an accomplishment!  I recall El Salvador, Mexico, and Costa Rica being represented tonight.  Many groups do folkloric type of dancing with the women carrying baskets and the men with hoes for instance.  That is not dancing in my book and is frankly very boring.

The group from Mexico easily stole the show tonight with almost Cowboy Western dance routines, nice guys in hats, scarves, belts, black outfits and boots.  They complimented the lovely women in their magnificent dresses so very well and the footwork was tight.  I swear that they were doing polkas and schottische at times, so very lovely and enjoyable to watch.

The video work was outstanding for the backdrop screen, and the Emcee, though long-winded at times, was excellent.  Kudos to the organizers for their hard work, but with a plea to cool the weird lighting and silly unnecessary smoke.  We came to see the dancing and bright costumes, not your silly special effects.

Cristina says she will accompany me to tonight's competition.  Hope we can get a nice spot again.  Having to shoot around people is no fun.

I hope you enjoy the pictures (first batch backwards again).  No captions required..  That was the day’s excitement.



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NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.