Friday, September 24, 2021

Friday September 24, 2021 Amazon

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Friday September 24, 2021

The evening yesterday got interrupted again by the sound of a fire truck leading another parade.  It wasn't a long one, just groups of dancers with competing music.  Apparently, according to Cristina, this is the week of the annual International Dance Competition held here.  So you know where I will be tonight...

I managed to make RedBubble behave this morning so I managed to upload the usual 2 photos.

Cristina was expecting a lady to drop by last night and neglected to tell me that we are babysitting an injured adopted dog named Mona from the Animal Park while the owner goes to San Andres until Sunday.  So, for now, we have 13 dogs in the house.

I took Cristina into Tulua to help her sister with cats and dogs again.  Before she left we had a knock at the door and it was ServiEntrega with our first Amazon package ordered 9 days ago and not scheduled to arrive until Tuesday!  I was very impressed!  I was also impressed with the 24 magnetic bracelets I received.  So we gave away 2 each already to Adiela, Miguel and Claudia.

I was trying to nap when the dogs reacted to someone at the door.  With the fan going in the bedroom, I can't hear the doorbell, but the dogs take care of that...  So, surprise, ... another ServiEntrega delivery of my other package from Amazon, my new case for my Motorola cel phone.  This one already has the magnet receptor as well as a little stand, and it is tougher that the previous one which was deteriorating and falling apart.  

So now I can ignore knocks at the door again...  Nobody comes for me anyway, and I get tired of salesmen or beggars.

So now I will get prepared to go to our central park for the dance competition with the Nikon on my monopod.  Photos tomorrow...

I hope you enjoy the pictures (all jumbled again).  That was the day’s excitement.



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If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


Who doesn't love a parade?

They come right to my door

They love to pose

Many different groups

Representing countries and dance groups

Lovely costumes

This was the last group

Gotta love those swirly dresses

Not raining on them...

A nice diversion to the evening

Different dance styles

Energetic people

Sweet people

24 magnetic bracelets


Simple elastics allow for expansion

Some are colourful
Some are mostly plain hematite

I have had a hematite ring since I was 17

I am glad to have these

Strong case for my Motorola