Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Tuesday September 7, 2021 Zorra

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Tuesday September 7, 2021

The walk with only 3 dogs is such a pleasure as they are accustomed to me and I can let them loose briefly to play with other street dogs for a minute, then they come back and we continue.  

So, today was again dominated with taking Zorra into Tulua, first to get x-rayed.  It turns out that her platelets are low, and she has anemia on top of pneumonia, poor thing....  So we had to leave her at a new vet, over by our old house, for the day and return to get her in late afternoon.  And we have to repeat this for a few days more. 
The photos are taken with the Lumix today.  The dog and cat pictures were on the vet's walls.... couldn't resist, even if I am certain that the dog one is photoshopped.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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We are trying to save Zorra

She came to us in really bad shape.

Unlikely, but super cute

Zorra awaiting treatment

Why cat tongues feel rough..