Monday, September 6, 2021

Monday September 6, 2021 Zorra

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Monday September 6, 2021

September....  I should be in Canada.... Grrrrrrrrrrrr

I see that PriceSmart actually refunded the second charge for membership rather quickly.  That was indeed a surprise.

Our poor girl, Zorra, has so many darn problems, but the constant vomiting is the latest and most concerning.  We took her to Huellas to the young female vet because Cristina seems to have lost confidence in John Faber Rojas...  That mystifies me because his examinations are always so thorough.

So we left Zorra to get examined, have blood work, and try a special breathing machine...  Bill was $31.57 USD.  The vet figures that Zorra is maybe 9 years old.

Then it was a grocery run to the usual 3 places to get our normal supply of food and goodies.

We came back with some fresh pork tenderloin so I fried up a batch and made some delicious fried rice.  Claudia happened to stop at lunchtime so she got to sample my cooking and was very impressed, as was Cristina with my version.

I cut up my cabbage (always a tough chore on my arms) and gave myself a pedicure before a quick nap.

Adiela and Miguel came by to drop off some frijoles (beans) and a breathing machine for Zorra.  Miguel enjoyed the beer and clamato juice with seasoning salt but Adiela did not like it, thinkinbg it tasted like curry..???  Cristina happily drank her beer.

We went back to the vet and she gave us a bunch of instructions, prescriptions, and recommended an x-ray.  The surprising thing is that she said the breathing machine would not help.....  We'll get the x-ray tomorrow.

We stopped to pick up most of Cristina's shoes at the shoemaker and the bill was under $5 USD.  I saw that Zorra was in a bit of distress so I walked her on a nearby lawn.  She peed but her incontinence lasted for a long time.  A young boy named Juan, maybe 12 years old came from across the street to visit and talk.  He liked dogs and said that he wanted to learn English.  He learned some rudimentary words in school and his pronunciation was really good.  English is a very tough language for Latinos as they don't use the soft vowels.

Zorra continues to throw up so we hope to give her some relief tomorrow once the x-ray shows us the probable problem.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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