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Friday-Saturday June 28-29, 2019
The dogs found a bullfrog on the sidewalk during our walk. They were pretty surprised when it jumped to a different spot and I am amazed that they didn't attack it. We have such good doggies.
Then I went back to bed and slept in. Battery recharge time.
I discussed with Cristina about ordering some photo cubes from a booth at the Tulua Dog Park. She wanted one of good photos of Christian, and I wanted one of some of my better work. I contacted JuGar Arte and found out their requirements. The cubes are 10cm, or 4 inches, square and open up a little like those paper finger pyramid thingys.....
Look for yourself...
I've never added a video before. I hope it works.
Our options were 12 square photos, or 10 square and 1 rectangular, or 8 square and 2 rectangular..... We decided to stay with the 12 square to get more bang for our buck, but that does have its drawbacks when almost all photography ends up in 2:3 or 3:4 style. So the challenge is adjusting the photo crop of rectangular photos to retain the best parts in a smaller square.
So I crop as close to square as I can then ask PhotoShop to make them 6" square exactly, and bump the print resolution to 300 dpi. They can reduce them to 4" square easily.
We had no problem deciding on 12 photos of Christian.
I took a break to watch the awful Colombia (0) -Chile (1) soccer match at 6pm and Aram came over to watch with me.
Then I began the arduous, hard-on-the-eyes task of looking through about 5,000 of my photos and picking out my favourites. Picking only 12 is impossible.... I chose about 90 photos then weeded out the ones that just couldn't be squared without losing crucial elements. That left me with about 60, which I worked on until after 1am. I literally collapsed into bed...
Happy 23rd Anniversary Jill and Ash.
I awoke smack at 5:30 so I walked with the dogs anyway, and I did my chores, garbage day & dog poop patrol. Then I chose my initial 12 photos for my own "advertising" cube.
I contacted JuGar Arte and asked for a discount if I ordered 2 more cubes and they coughed about 9%, not bad for here. So, 4 cubes cost us 310,000 pesos or $96.24 USD. Not bad for all the work involved for cheap conversation pieces.
The next step was to compose 4 separate emails, one for each cube, and to send 12 photos with each, with instructions as to which photos we wanted on the outside of the cube (6 photos).
Then I ran to the bank to deposit the money into their account so the work could begin. They said that the cubes will be ready in about 9 days. I still have enough prepared photos for another 2 cubes....
Then I crashed for 1/2 hour with Bruna.
This morning a couple with 2 kids came by to see about adopting Samantha, and went home with the agreement that they would adopt Bruna as well on Tuesday.... The kids were gentle and loving with the dogs, and the parents seemed very responsible, so we are very happy to find such a good home for these great dogs.
After lunch we both crashed again. The batteries take longer to recharge as we age....
Then we heard from JuGar Arte with a PDF proof for the 4 blocks. They screwed up, mixing up 4 pics between 2 blocks... It looked really good otherwise. They sent a corrected PDF proof but it was corrupt. It wasn't rocket science. A few seconds ago they re-sent me the corrected proof via WhatsApp and it is perfect. I am really looking forward to getting them now.
This is a sample of my square photos |
I hope you enjoyed the picture and video. That was the day’s excitement.
© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may
not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission.
If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook
or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.
NOTE that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.