Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tuesday March 5, 2019 ZOO

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Tuesday March 5, 2019
We were away early this morning to pick up Christian's friend, David, to go be interviewed by the Investigator, Gustavo, at 8:30am.  It took over an hour and Gustavo was nice enough to come out and tell us that everybody is saying the same thing... that Christian was a happy young man that everybody liked and was looking forward to this new stage in his life.
We then took David across the street where we had some "pasteles", basically Shepherd's pie in a ball, and he also had a breakfast.  Then we headed back.
As we were dropping him off, he mentioned that we could go above his house to a place that is like a small zoo, so he took us there.  It cost about 65c each to wander the grounds which has rental rooms, BBQ area, swimming pool, jacuzzi, grassy areas, horse paddocks, and a fishing pond.  Cristina never even knew that the place existed..
The "zoo" area is not big but it is varied.  Pot-bellied Vietnamese pigs cavort with flamingoes, llamas, 8-foot ostriches, deer, peacocks, a monkey, parrots, geese and lots more.  The big goose, llama and ostrich were especially happy to see us.  That monstrous ostrich was almost scary with his foot-long front claws. 
I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.
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NOTE that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.

David waiting for breakfast

Pasteles.  I call them "Bolas"

Looking east through the grassy areas

Looking south, main building and horse paddocks

Roosters having bad hair day


Noisy inquisitive goose

Surprisingly this little guy stayed put

He wasn't curious like most monkeys

This parrot got right in Cristina's face

A shame they are caged

These geese had black bills

Deer and ostrich

Ostrich and goat
This huge guy couldn't keep still

Vietnamese pot-bellied pig

This guy towered over us.  He seemed hungry.

Many flamingoes..  Do they feed them shrimp?

Llama and piggies

Happy as a pig in.. mud

Llamas are always friendly
They usually have killer eyelashes

Just back from the hairdresser?

Odd colourless tail for this peacock

He actually looks better from the back

View from both sides now

Looking west along the animal pens

Peacocks in full regalia
More spectators on the fence

Looking west again past the rental rooms

Ostrich, sheep and flamingoes

Very strange to see them without a large water pond

They look healthy enough

Looking north across the pool to the BBQ area

This shot has some buzzards in the sky

They say these make the best pets

Ostrich, deer and peacocks

My shot of the day.  I named him Donald.

Looking NW over the fishing pond to the church in town

These guys follow me everywhere...

Over the pond, the church steeple

Looking south from BBQ area over the pool

Looking west over grassy area to main building and horse paddocks