Friday, December 27, 2024

Thursday December 26, 2024 Gyros


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Thursday December 26, 2024

This was a surpise when I clicked on my Pixels photo site:

That is a FEW visitors!

I met "little" Sandra who worked at Joes' way back when she was 13 years old.  She is now a weight-lifting nurse with a purpose and goals.  I am as proud as a father would be that she has turned into a driven, lovely young lady.  Go Sandra Go!

I know, bad pic...

In the early evening, Gustavo, I, and Graciela met at MaryAnn's place for a promised homemade "Gyro" meal, preceeded by all these appetizers 

and different drinks, and followed by lemon pie with raspberries.  It was a true blast for the tastebuds and we had a great time.

It was raining all day, and very heavy in the evening, so I had to leave the eBike, now called Pixie, there to retrieve in the morning.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission.  

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.