Monday, December 30, 2024

Sunday December 29, 2024 Strategy


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Sunday December 29, 2024

What a crazy day!  I got chores done in time to go to the big Mall del Rio to meet my friend Graciela Estrella, have a quick McDonald's breakfast then go window shopping for shoes.

She ended up buying expensive Crocs that are white and black, light, cute, and make her look taller.  These will be her signature shoes for her campaign for the National Assembly of Ecuador in February, against 11 other candidates for the Province of Azuay.

This will be an uphill battle because she lost a ton of money in the Coopera Scandal and that is the main reason for her candidacy, to fight for the return of the money to the injured investors.  We spent most of the day discussing the strategies to take, to make good use of the little money she has available.

And the weather has really been rainy, especially, it seems, every time we step out!

And we went for a delicious parillada share dish of local meats (chicken, beef, pork, sausage, served with Mote) at the new CuencaView Restaurant at Turi, overlooking Cuenca.  The views from Turi are still unmatched, especially with more rainstorms moving in.....

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


Storms all around beautiful Cuenca

Lovely Immaculate Conception in the center

Sweet panorama