Saturday, December 7, 2024

Saturday December 7, 2024 Joes Secret Garden


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Saturday December 7, 2024

Well Teresa was thrilled with the idea of splitting the cost of the eBike so we went and picked it up in the early afternoon from EcoMotion.  Teresa is absolutely giddy with how this will make running errands so much easier.

At 5pm, my buddy Gustavo picked us all up and we went to my old Saturday photo haunt, Joes' Secret Garden!  We were joined there by old friend MaryAnn and the night just skyrocketed from there....

I have been away 6.5 years but it was like dropping back in time and everyone else got younger in the meantime.  Right away, the owner, Ken Vix, had mentioned my arrival to another expat from Edmonton named Brad....

I swear I knew everyone except maybe 6 people in the crowd, and it was fun to remember all the names.... and the situations, and old memories.

Then the night got surreal when I ran into another old buddy photographer from way back, Mike Hamilton...  In his 13 odd years in Cuenca, he said he had been to Joes' only twice before....  The chances of both of us returning on the same night was incalculable.

Then it got weirder yet......  We were flabbergasted at the arrival of the original JOE, Joe Spotts, for whom I started that weekly photography gig so many years ago!  

So many fabulous memories passed through all our conversations with the many familiar guests.

I only took a few pictures, not wanting to interfere with the new photographer Janet Engelhard who was doing such a fabulous job of getting my ugly mug in almost every shot it seemed.  I can't wait to see the Facebook posting of all those photos...!!!

So plans were already formulated for a trip to MaryAnn's farm tomorrow, so I am rushing to publish this Blog via battery power... electricity is out again...

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission.  

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.

Teresa buying from Roxy

Look at the happy face

Teresa has plans for the future

Errands will be so much easier

Nice strong bike

It will serve a good purpose

Ken Vix of Joes'

Roger and company

Original JOE Spotts and me

KP, Joe and friend

Fried chicken night

My fave statue there