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I woke at 3am but did not dare go into the main house to work because the 3 dogs would be sure to rouse Teresa and Billy, which I avoid like the plague. I forced myself to doze again until the sun comes up and Billy is up to make the coffee at 6:30am.That is the beginning of our daily routine here.
And I tried to nap about 3 times after on this cloudy, cool day and helped clean up my area for a vist by "Original" Joe Spotts, his buddy Ersin, and their host Cameron.
When they did arrive after 2pm, I realized I had not eaten yet, so I slipped out while the showing of the house was happening and went up the street to a little husband and wife restaurant 3 blocks away where Dawn and I ate a few times. This time I decided to try the plain hamburger with lettuce and tomato. I asked the price because I had only brought a $5 bill and did not want to be embarrassed..... My jaw hit the counter when they said it was $1.25 !!!!! So I later splurged on an $1 M+M cornet ice cream and a small 30c Fanta. The total bill was $2.55 !!!!!
I had to mention that to the group assembled around the couch outside my casita. Then we discussed a lot of anti-Trump politics, conspiracy theories, and the beauty of living here and just avoiding the news, because 99% is irrelevant to us and our lifestyle. If the shit hit the fan in Europe or North America among the "civilised" nations, we would rather be here where nobody is affected much by world politics, the food is plentiful and we are not overrun with Orientals, Indians, or Muslims (although Ersin is Muslim and does not eat pork or imbibe alcohol).
We had a good time eating just snack food as the setting sun was warm and we managed to get 2 taxis to get everyone back home.
Billy had not forgotten about the $1.25 burger so we went out, hoping the place would be open. Unfortunately it was not, but now Billy knows where it is.
We continued up to Ordonez Lasso and went into a roast chicken place but ordered a pork chop meal for Billy while I had a local pork "chancho" meal that I recalled enjoying when I lived here. The portions we got were much larger than the menu pictures! We stuffed our faces and drank a large beer each, and still had lots left on our plates.
I am managing to get this Blog written tonight, although in the Casita with poor internet this may not get out until the morning. I just plugged in the ethernet cable and it just may send.... Here we go....
I hope you enjoy the pictures. That was the day’s excitement.
© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission.
If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.
NOTE that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.
Maizie, Lucy + Spike love company Teresa, Joe, Ersin, Cameron, Billy Joe always has an interesting take on things