Monday, December 30, 2024

Monday December 30, 2024 Washing


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Monday December 30, 2024

The pics below, taken from the rain coming off my casita roof really tell the story of the day, as it has been raining off and on, all day......

I was lucky that it stopped enough to allow me to take Pixie to see Dr. Duane Connell, the chiropractor.

As I pulled up to the office at 9:45am, I got a call from another fellow at BitProGain promising to help me fix my account.  I told him to call me back in an hour.  It is now 7.5 hours later and no call....  Grrrrrrr  I had my hopes up that I was NOT scammed.  Again, I am not so sure.

After getting my bones aligned again, I stopped at Paco Lightfoot's condo to drop off his Apple hard drive that I have had for 2 weeks at least.  He thanked me again for taking the photos at their masquerade ball.

I dug up most of my clothes and jackets and washed and dried them.  It is nice to be able to do laundry in about 2 hours!  Now, all I have to wash tomorrow are the clothes that I am wearing and I can pack for the trip home.

I took Billy to my little cafe for burgers again and we brought back a burger for Teresa.  The rain had held off until we were walking home.

So, it is a down day without much interaction anywhere.

Tomorrow I will have to make sure to spend time with Teresa to familiarize her further with riding Pixie and give her more confidence.

I have a lot of time to think about my direction in life and I frankly doubt that it will include Ecuador again, but I never say never.  I am eternally grateful to Billy and Teresa for their hospitality, and for all those friends who made time to see me. 

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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