Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Wednesday May 17, 2023 Remembering

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Wednesday May 17, 2023

The smoke from the hundreds of wildfires is slowly drifting into the city and the smell actually woke me up.

After chores yesterday, Dawn picked me up and we went looking at eBikes.  I had moved my photo money from PayPal to the bank account but that still wasn't 1/2 enough for what these places ask.  At the first place I told the guy my budget and the first bike he shows me is triple the budget, so no sales were obviously happening there.

We got referred to a place that may have used eBikes, and they did have a couple of rental/lease bikes for sale, both over my budget by a bit, but they were not providing any warranty so we looked at new ones, and found a good candidate at double my budget and, if the guy was willing to deal on accessories, he may have had a deal...  But he basically scoffed at me that he didn't have to deal so he lost a sale...

Has anybody actually bought a fancy eBike off of FaceBook Marketplace for $134 - $200 ????????   Even Canadian Tire, Costco and Walmart are too pricey.  And I have yet to test drive one to even see if I like them...

So, for now, I have given up on eBikes, and we went for lunch at Boston Pizza which was Dawn's reward for coming in to sweep, mop and dust my small place.  I was just too lazy to do it myself...

I began my long-awaited project to make a "Dog Wall" here to remember my puppies and pets.  I carefully chose a decent photo of each pet, processed them all with a vignette effect so they would be similar in a way, and began to print with the Canon Inkjet printer that I got for a song, hoping the initial ink supplied would be enough for the project....  Nope, not even close.....

So today, after chores, I researched prices at various places, regular vs XL cartridges, and decided on the XL at BestBuy, which I ordered online, had a nap, and then went and picked them up..  The city is still a little smoky, but liveable.

I stopped at Save-On Foods on the way by for packaged salads, most for $5 each, and some Visine for my horrible eyes. 

Then I got to work, finishing the printing of the 8x10 photos for 7 dead dogs, 2 dead cats, and 13 living dogs,... all pets that graced our homes for a decent period over the last 20 years.  Then I laminated them all and used Sticky-Tack to put them on the walls of the bedroom.  I did the deceased pet wall a bit haphazard but did the wall for our 13 existing dogs in an orderly fashion.  Hey, it is not perfect, but I get to sleep with a quiet version of my dogs again.

I phoned the Medical outfit with the tag on the Golden to check out costs for new batteries.  He said the Golden requires 2 - 12V 20 Amp batteries and they are $325 installed, and they would not guarantee that I would get any better battery life than I am getting now.....  So... I guess that I won't be going that route either....

I got a delivery from RedBubble that is intended for gifts, if the cost to send them isn't outrageous....  That will be investigated tomorrow..

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission. 

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


Smoke is evident

Our cats have both passed on now

2 cats and 7 dogs decased

The 13 that I miss so very much