Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday October 16, 2019 Beauty

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Wednesday October 16, 2019
It was inspiring, while doing the Wednesday morning poop patrol, to see some of the beauty in the backyard as our rose bush had 3 flowers opening and another bud ready to go.  A fifth had unfortunately been snapped somehow.  These tiny roses, from 1" to 2" only, are just so very colourful and uplifting.  The Nikon did a good job of capturing them.
We also had a new large spider working the lower part of the mango tree.  While somewhat large and scary looking, they provide a valuable service outside (not inside, thank you very much) so I generally leave them be,... unless the web is where we will walk into it.... Eeeeuuuuwwww.....
A 2-hour nap today refreshed me enough to go for a walk with Cristina to pay some bills, electricity and water 163,000 pesos, or $47 USD.  We happened to go by the place that sells cheap dog beds so Cristina had to buy 2 for Ana's 2 other dogs.  The 3 apparently fight over the 1 bed we left for Rex.  Again, you could never buy 2 dogs beds in N.A. for under $6....
Then we dropped off these articles at home, I grabbed the portable bicycle pump and we went to get our bike with the new tires.  He installed the air pump for nothing!  The bike looks, and rides, great.  Cristina rode it home.
We had accidentally left Mariposa and Turi in the house together and luckily no incidents occurred.  It still needs monitoring though...
Gotta run to go walk with Aram.
I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.
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