Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sunday August 13, 2017 Still Rotten

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Sunday August 13, 2017
Last night we started to watch a movie early and I was exhausted about 1/2 way through and struggled up to bed at 7.  Cristina woke me to feed me a brew at 9pm and I was out until 4am when I walked the dogs.  I didn't feel bad after finally getting a good rest, but struggling with 4 dogs tugging on me takes its toll on my arms.   The 5th dog, Blanco, is happy to follow us on our walks now.
And there was a party and band still going strong at the Ciudadela Tomebamba neighbourhood at 4am so I guess I am glad that our Bosque de Monay neighbourhood is so quiet.
I fed the dogs, exercised a lot, made coffee, poured my mug, went upstairs with the intention of doing my normal chores but decided to crash instead and stayed in bed until 8am, before another brief walk with the dogs.
Cristina says that the larger of the 2 rescued birds died in the night.  I suspect the poor thing had been mauled by street dogs prior to its rescue and was just too damaged to survive.   I begin to wonder what is wrong with the parent birds here that push out their young ones way too early, and the youngsters can't fly, so they are prey to the multitude of cats and street dogs.   Then the parents fly back and forth, screeching away and do try to feed the young ones but can't pick them up and bring them back to safety.   Nobody likes to see babies being killed of any species.  Later she said that the mother was at the window waiting to feed the baby in our home... 
I felt a lot better today after finally getting a decent rest but it didn't last and I am unfortunately still weak and shaky, and my arms are really sore.  We were invited to a garden party today but I had to beg off from that as well.   Too bad that we are missing some nice events.
Hoping to see the surgeon in the morning or, at the latest, Wednesday morning  to get some answers and a new strategy.  If I can't get relief here, what do I do, look at going to Canada for a while??
Sorry, again no photos. That was the day’s excitement.
Cheers, Al