Saturday, January 20, 2024

Saturday January 20, 2024 Parade


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Saturday January 20, 2024

Even though I was dog-tired, I was showered and up at 8am, no dogs walked today, to finish the other 52 photos from last night.  Working on the photos is very labor-intensive and tiring.   I managed to get yesterday's photos about the Cabalgata done.  My other chores were basically skipped...

I finished that just in time for a quick lunch and to head after 10:30am for the proposed showing of old cars (did not see any), and then the parade of the aspiring Queens.  Needless to say, that parade did not show until 12:30pm.  In the meantime, I bought a hat for $10 CDN to keep the sun off my bald head, and luckily the day was overcast so folks were comfortable.

I did not have a very good vantage point for the parade which featured many dance groups, vehicles, including this crazy Jeep Willys, with a video taken by my friend Roger from his place:


Only in Latin America would you have a driverless Jeep spinning just feet from defenceless spectators.......

I felt bad for the Queen contestants being forced to wear ridiculous costumes made from old hats and flowers that did zero to show their charms.....  BTW, the blond contestant lives in my friend Roger's house on the main floor.

Then it was home to collapse for a good nap before tackling yesterday's huge Blog about the Cabalgata before working on the photos from today...

We are going to contribute to making a tiny night residence for the lady looking after the dogs from the old Animal Park, now on her property in Campo Alegre.  She has been running the show while working a full-time job since 2018 with a few helpers who have all departed.  She needs outside help badly...  Cristina's ex Carlos came by to discuss the physical needs and he will apparently donate his labour.  It won't be fancy but will have running water.  We may see about helping with electricity, like a small generator....

Now, this Blog is almost done and I am almost ready for bed at 8pm......

I must say that my dry nose problems from Canada have disappeared here!  I can actually breathe properly again...

I hope you enjoy the pictures (impossible to maintain order).  That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission. 

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


No idea what this was about??

A Chiva transport being fancied up

Lovely 3D art


New hat for old guy

Liked his patches

Great bikes!

LOVE this helmet!!!!!!!

The reigning Queen I think.

And another...

Wanted this photo taken by me!

That helmet sure draws stares!!!!

Marino stopped by


One dead guy coming up...

Reigning Queen again

Spray foam fun?

Shot of the day!

The crazy Willys Jeep

Live at Roger's home