Sunday, December 31, 2017

Sunday December 31, 2017 Elvis

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Sunday December 31, 2017
I am sorry that I haven't been blogging or taking pictures.  In fact, I have begged off taking the photos for Joe's tonight's New Year's Eve celebration because I have to pick up my niece at the airport in Guayaquil in the morning at 6:55am.  I would not be able to do the event justice and I would get no sleep.
Thursday was just a rainy day so I missed a Herederos ride for about 6 weeks straight now.  I am sure that they understand.
Friday I got a recommendation from my friend Graciela and went to get a 2' X 4' For Sale sign, in English only, with my phone number, way the heck up Avenida Loja near the Fatima church.  For the normal banner material they wanted $9, and for the stick-on type they wanted $12.  I confirmed that the stick-on variety would withstand some possible moisture and opted for that.  It is the kind that goes on store windows, visibly opaque on the one side but transparent from the other side.  It would be ready in the afternoon.
I then checked out the van services to Guayaquil for Dec 31 or Jan 1.  The last buses normally left around 11pm, but they were only offering 4pm departures so I passed... who wants to sit in Guayaquil for 12 hours..??
I went for lunch at Bella Cuba, run by my friend Harold and in discussing my problem with him I remembered that he does driving services to Guayaquil.  He was available, gave me a decent price, so that transportation problem is solved, and we will ride or snooze in comfort.
Around 2:30 the skies looked threatening, sprinkling a touch, but it seemed to be moving southeast.  I walked the dogs quickly again and jumped on Buzzer to go retrieve the sign.  There was blue sky to the southwest so I hoped to miss the rain by heading quickly west.  It was not bad getting there, and the sign was hot off the press, but I hit major rain on the way home.  My jacket is waterproof so the only problem is not making any quick moves on the wet roads so I was just very careful and made it home easily enough.
Saturday was mostly spent helping Cristina make waterproof sofa covers.  We have had the material for a long time and she and Christian had already made the loveseat cover early in November.   
I also worked on a few more Elvis photos for sale.  I find it curious that I am still selling a bunch of the original 2 Elvis offerings and none of the new ones....  I have a good selection of styles and poses so I expect a breakthrough soon.  Elvis is still very popular and my designs look especially good on the clothing offerings (probably cheaper on RedBubble than Fine Art America).
So today is New Year's Eve, a Sunday, and many Cuencanos have gone out of the city and most businesses are closed.   We are still awaiting news on Christian's cause of death and on finding a suitable house for us in Tulua, Colombia.  I am anxious for Cristina to make the trek to Colombia with the dogs so I can clean up the house properly for sale.
I hope you enjoy the pictures I am working on of Elvis.  That was the day’s excitement.
© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission. 
If you want to borrow a picture for sharing with family and friends, PLEASE give me credit for the photo.
NOTE that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.