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to all the GringoPost readers who voted for me 3 years in a row
as Best Photographer in Cuenca!
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April 30, 2016
Not a very nice day today, so I was forced to take a bus to Joe's Secret Garden tonight. Luckily the rain took a break when I reached Las Americas and it didn't really rain much afterwards. The rivers are running high again.
A good crowd of 123 people on hand tonight for a Cajun deep-fried turkey meal followed by sweet potato pecan pie.
Apparently one of the patrons last week complained that I called the front outside room, (now glassed in), the "garage". I have always called it that, but apparently it now is called "the fern room", or "the glass room".
It was an unusual crowd tonight of friends, and a lot of people's exes, but all is well in the land on the Equator.
I hurried my meal and gave up my seat to some late-comers, so I had the first piece of the pecan pie in the kitchen and I bugged out early.
I caught a cab back on my usual route which takes me by the Bus station and the end of the runway of the airport. I was surprised when the cabby pointed to the left and said "avion" and it took a second for me to realize that he was pointing at the plane that crashed and almost came over the fence! I had thought the plane was at the other end of the runway all this time.... Anyway, I quickly dug out my camera and took a couple of poor shots through the windshield of the moving cab. They apparently are not going to re-open the airport until they remove the downed plane, maybe by Tuesday...
I hope you enjoy the photos. That was the day's
excitement, Cheers,
© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without
purchase, or without my permission.
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160430 JSG #22 The Fern Room |
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Downed plane at the airport |
This is how close it came to clearing the fence! |