Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday August 14, 2024 Prep


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Wednesday August 14, 2024

Monday, I re-checked every possible place and my house keys have not turned up so I paid for a replacement set.  The mystery remains.

We were all awaked at 7am  by a noisy Bobcat ripping a rear storage porch off of the church 2 doors away.  They ripped away everything back to a brick archway, then they began to brick in the hole.

I read a whole book, over 300 pages Monday night so I could hit the Library Tuesday morning to pick up 3 more books.  

Today, I awoke to choking forest fire smoke around 6:30am.  The wind through the open windows and fans brought it all inside and it was horrible.  I started the air conditioner, put out 4 bowls of vinegar and went back to bed.

I printed off and completed most of my passport renewal application.  I tried to make an appointment with the Passport Office at Canada Place but the earliest appointment was October 10th!!!!!!!!!!  WTF!!!  I want to be in Colombia by the 6th....

So I went to WalMart to get my passport photos and they no longer had a photo studio so I was referred to the UPS store which I could not find at Northgate Mall.  So I went to London Drugs and had them done there.  When I was paying the bill I recognized the cashier as a lady that I worked with 35 years ago at Northgate Pontiac!

Wednesday was wing night at Hudson's, but I went alone because Bob was busy.  I tested the boneless wings and re-confirmed that I do not like them that way....

I got lots of communications from people today, friends and relatives....  Always lovely to stay in touch!

It is still exceedingly smokey outside, but my apartment is not too bad for scent.

I hope you enjoy the pictures (backwards again).  That was the day’s excitement.



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NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.




Heavy, heavy smoke today

Boned and boneless wings

1/2 bricked back up...

Stairs ripped away