Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday August 26, 2024 Edmonton


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Monday August 26, 2024

Last Friday, I drove 2 other workers/neighbours to the Pure Casino on Argyll to work for our "Manoir" apartments from 9:30am to 7pm.  I was a cashier, expecting them to have machines to automatically count everything.... No such luck!  Us 2 cashiers paid out $55,000 in total during our shift.  I guess my bank training from 1968 paid off as I balanced correctly.  I went to bed at 1am and slept for 12 hours.

Saturday, I found out that our oldest "grandson" is temporarily working in St. Albert.  He had been on The Island in BC for many years.  I have put out overtures for a possible get-together...

My big accomplishment was to wash the inside of my car windows.  The AC fog on the windows were getting so hard to see through.

Sunday, the Social Committee put on a corn roast, with hot dogs, pop, chips and ice cream.  It was well attended.

Today I successfully moved money around to prepare for the upcoming trip to Colombia.  As long as the passport is ready Thursday without any hitches, we should be able to finalize travel plans.

It is the nicest day of the week so I could not stay inside...  I jumped on the Gio and cruised the Legislature, downtown and 3 residences of old.  It was nice to get some fresh air.

Still reading a lot to pass the long evenings..

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission.  

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.

High Level Bridge

Silly Hall

The first house I ever owned

The back..  It is for sale again...

Once the Silver Dollar Cafe where I lived.

Where our Club du Soleil dances are held now

My first Room'n'Board in Edmonton