Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday August 15, 2024 Renewal


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Thursday August 15, 2024

 I was supposed to pick up Ken from the hospital today but he called to say that they were arranging EMS transportation for him instead...  That freed up my day, so I was happy.

So, I decided to run on the Gio to Canada Place just to ask what day and time is best to come when line-ups are normally smallest....  Usually the line-ups in the morning outside the Passprt office are at least 50 people deep, with poor seating...  Imagine my surprise when there were only 2 people in line!!!!  So I was glad that I had brought my paperwork, just in case...  I had to fill in a couple of references, sign and date 2 places, and I was inside to wait my turn.   It was a bit of a wait but I paid and was out of there in 1 hour and 15 minutes,... and I can return August 29 to pick up my new 10-year passport which was cheaper than I thought...  Don't you just love it when a plan comes together...!!!

Then I went downstairs to Mister Donair to order another 4 beef donairs to take home to freeze...  They are always a quick, enjoyable meal.

On my return, I met Brenda and paid for my 2 tickets to the next Elks football game against my Stampeders.  Imagine my dismay when I realized that game is not in 2 days, but is on September 7th!!!  I feel like such an idiot when I goof up on dates.

Bob is making meat loaf with carrots and mashed potatoes and gravy so i am just waiting for word to go up and join him for supper.

I am getting closer to my first weight goal and I am happy to keep that going.

No pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



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