Monday, August 14, 2023

Monday August 14, 2023 RedBubble

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Monday August 14, 2023

I awoke this morning to 73 emails from RedBubble saying "Your work is under review" over 4 of my 5 alter-egos on that site!!!  I checked a few of them and they were as innoccuous as a red balloon against a blue sky!

First, I wrote RB demanding a public apology for this ridiculousness, giving them one week to respond...  Then, I figured there was no way they were going to respond, and I was angry at this latest insult, so I disseminated the following to supporters, and to all my 5 sites:

When a person only makes $200-300 a year on the site, but spends about 2000 hours to do so, it is hardly worth the effort to stay any longer.  Since RB went public, the site has gone steadily downhill and they have driven away most of the artists.  I have been an unwilling supporter for over 13 years but enough is enough of their absolute stupidity and unwieldy site that is a shadow of its former greatness.  My 6000+ artworks on RB will remain there, but I will no longer be adding any more.  That will knock a lot off my chores....  This decision has been years in the making.  Today was the last straw.

Yesterday, my son gifted me back my hilarious artwork that I had bought in Okotoks many years ago, entitled "Whorse".   Not many people share my sense of Ha-Ha, so it it now proudly displayed in my living room.

Today, I had intended to drive to the closest Walmart at Kingsway Mall to compare prices for a small load of groceries, mainly my favourite pre-packaged Salad Kits.  As I headed to my Gio, I figured that it was not worth going the extra 4-5 kms to maybe save a few cents when the scuttlebut is that most stuff at Walmart is not the freshest.  When I am buying for 10 days at a time on average, I need to make sure the freshness is there.  Save-On is undoubtedly more pricey, but the freshest selection is almost guaranteed! 

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  That was the day’s excitement.



© All my work is COPYRIGHT protected and may not be used in any way without purchase, or without my permission. 

If you want to borrow a picture to share with family and friends, Facebook or whatever, at least PLEASE give me credit for the photo.

NOTE  that you may click on any photo for an ENLARGED VIEW.


